15 October 2013 Pay Is Coming, Relatively For Sure


Update:  DFAS has finally updated their website!

A  Defense.gov news article clears up any confusion about whether the military will get paid on 15 October 2013.  In the article, the Department of Defense's Comptroller and Chief Financial Officer Robert F. Hale said the act ensures the military will be paid on a timely basis “next payday, Oct. 15, and future ones.”  This will hopefully be the very last word on the 15 October 2013 military pay, and there should not be any more surprises such as the Friday announcement made by the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS).

The rest of the article discussed the recall of thousands of civilian employees, and the difficulty in making sure that the Pay Our Military Act was implemented as written.

The DFAS website has not been updated as of this writing, but I am sure they will catch up very quickly.  Update:  DFAS has STILL not updated their website.  I can not imagine what is the problem.

As far as I can tell, this announcement only applies to pay issues caused by the lack of budget, and resolved by the Pay Our Military Act.  It does not in any way affect the threat of delayed pay due to the debt ceiling.

Great news for active duty folks, and the un-furloughed civilians!

The entire transcript of the press conference can be found here:  Press Briefing on the Secretary of Defense’s Interpretation of the Pay Our Military Act.

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